Sunday, August 7, 2022



We are aware that you are all anxiously anticipating this day. Indeed, it is a crucial day since it will reveal what your future contains. Currently, the majority of pupils feel tense, anxious, and nervous.

Most pupils begin to wonder "Is the class 12 board result important?" a few days before even the results day. Without a doubt, grades from class 12 are significant. You get admitted to colleges based on your grade point average. Even if you apply to institutions with admission exams, your 12th-grade scores will be taken into account. For employment interviews, class 12th grades are also taken into account.

There are ordinary and low scorers in addition to top students. Marks can never prove a student's intellect. These three hours of testing only serve to assess our level of academic performance. There are many students who perform well on exams but lack a practical understanding of the topic, while there are others who are able to apply concepts in everyday life but perform poorly on exams simply because they are unable to memorize a book. Even if you receive a low-grade tomorrow, keep in mind that you won't wear the grade sheet around your neck. After two to three months, nobody will remember your grades. Yes, it is possible that you won't get accepted to a prestigious university or course you've applied for, in which case you may need to choose a less desirable degree. It's hardly the end of the world, though. You may still succeed in that course if you put in a lot of effort there as well. Companies no longer hunt for the class 12th top student; instead, they are looking for students with a 60 percent average who have the strong practical expertise and conceptual clarity.

True, our culture and educational system evaluate us based on the numbers on our mark sheets, but your interest is what really counts.

You weren't created to win over the crowd. Take a course that suits your interests, ambitions, and objectives. Similar to that, if you are denied admission to a prestigious university, pick a lesser-known institution instead and pursue your interests there.

For us, every day represents a fresh start. The world is your oyster if you put effort into learning something new and coming up with something new every day. As a consequence, even the highest marks or the greatest universities won't be of any use to you if you don't keep learning and inventing, regardless of the institution you attend or the degree you choose. To cut a long tale short, put your heart and soul into anything you do. Stressing out unnecessarily and putting pressure on yourself to succeed will never help. Accept them instead and search for chances that are still beneath your control.

Keeping this in mind, the following tips will help you achieve high marks in HSC exams.

Tip 1: Continue to push yourself to do better.

Keep in mind that you constitute your best competitor. Attempt to outperform your prior performance. Exam challenges should be accepted. Try to surpass your 50 percent score from the last exam by getting 60 percent on the upcoming test. Beat the previous % and strive for greater scores at all times. target gain in % rather than taking into account grades in specific subjects. This will assist in identifying the precise areas in which you need to improve, helping you raise your scores and %.

Tip 2: Keep a positive outlook at all times.

In critical life phases, it's necessary to keep an optimistic outlook. With this mindset, it is feasible to solve many challenging issues with ease. With a positive outlook, it is possible to retain a high level of confidence and succeed in even the most difficult tests. Positive attitudes and strong levels of confidence may aid in easily passing even the most challenging interviews, not only in HCS examinations.

Tip 3: It's crucial to read the major textbook.

Most of us spend a lot of time reading the numerous reference books that seem to be available for every topic. These thick volumes aid in a more straightforward grasp of the subject. However, the majority of pupils learn from reference books instead of primary textbook. Experts agree that it is always advisable to stick to and thoroughly cover the primary curriculum book. You'll observe that students that perform well tend to stick to the syllabus books as they recognize their genuine value. The only source for board questions is the syllabus book. After Class XII, reference books are useful for competitive tests.

Tip 4: Pay close attention to the English paper.

Different students pick different streams for the Class XII HSC examinations, including arts, science, and commerce. In each of these streams, there are certain themes from which one can select. There are other language topics, such as English and another language, in addition to these courses. The majority of pupils disregard the English exam, which might lower the overall percentage. Make sure to give the English paper the same amount of attention as you do to your preparation for the other courses.

Tip 5: Focus more on your weak spots.

If you chose to major in science, you may be strong in math and physics but weaker in chemistry. To ensure that these subjects do not have an influence on the total percentage, pinpoint the weak areas and begin working on them. The largest error is that most students avoid studying things they find difficult. Instead of avoiding the topic, consider identifying your weak areas and working to strengthen them.

Tip 6: Effective time management is crucial.

The HSC exam is most likely the most challenging test you have ever taken. So begin preparing for it now. Learning effective time management skills is a crucial aspect of board test preparation. Set a strict daily agenda for yourself. Make the most of the limited study time you have since doing so will help you earn far higher grades. When your mind is fresh in the morning, study material that you want to remember. Spend at least eight hours every day on your study. Each topic should receive an equal amount of time to ensure that it is covered.

Tip 7:Consider the time when solving previous years' papers

For students, old exam papers are invaluable resources. When compared to pupils who haven't done the same, it has been demonstrated that individuals who have prepared question papers from prior years perform significantly better on board examinations. Work through old test questions while keeping the deadline in mind. Do not take more time than is necessary or divide the question paper into sections. This will not accomplish the goal. As you begin to solve the problem, imagine that you are seated in the exam room and proceed accordingly. You might not do well at first, but with practice, you will undoubtedly be able to improve your performance. The greatest thing to do is to practice questions from the last ten years.

Tip 8: Pay attention to how neatly the answer sheet is laid out.

It should go without saying that a clean answer sheet earns more points than one that is dirty. The response sheet's neatness and cleanliness were hampered by several pupils repeatedly cutting through lines and words. Many students overlook these easy tasks, but they might help them earn a few extra points on their board examinations. And these few extra points significantly increase the overall percentage.

Tip 9: Look after your health.

Exam season is, needless to say, a very stressful period. As a result, it's critical that you take good care of your health right now. Eat healthfully, get enough sleep, and engage in relaxing hobbies. This is crucial since poor health will make it difficult for you to cope with the pressure of tests.

Tip 10: It's important to rest up before the test.

You might be shocked to learn how important the night well before HSC board test is. Your performance the day before the test determines over 10% of your final grade. Aim to be as calm as you can the night before the exam. Don't skim the books and notes since doing so will leave your brain confused. Eat healthily and get enough sleep so you can wake up feeling good and ready for the exam. In the exam, you'll be able to do significantly better.

Tip 11.On the morning of the board test.

Keep as much of your composure as you can on exam day. If you discover that you still have more studying to do, leave your books, notebooks, and notes at home and arrive at the exam site with a clear head. Try to concentrate and focus without putting too much pressure on yourself.

Tip 12: In the testing environment

When the bell for the exam sounds and the question papers are handed out, summon all of your mental courage and tell yourself that you will succeed. Read each question carefully, and then decide which ones you will tackle first. Answer the questions you are most familiar with. Your confidence will increase if you start with these. Don't panic if you don't know the answer to a particular question after you've written your answers. Read them over and make revisions. We'll save that for last.

In addition to the advice provided above, there are a few more practical suggestions that might help with HSC preparations. Here are a few of them:

Stop going to social events at least three months before your test. These are often quite distracting.

Try avoiding social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others because they eat up a lot of your valuable time.

Utilize your smartphone as little as possible. Avoid utilizing messaging services like WhatsApp, etc. They can only be used for studying, talking with other students, etc.

No one can prevent you from achieving excellent scores in the HSC board examinations with the aid of these suggestions.

Have a look on the following

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