Tuesday, February 2, 2021

How To Prepare For NEET In A Month.


NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) will be held in May according to the sources. You have only a little more than a month left to appear for NEET 2021. Students tend to get stressed when they realize that they do not have as much time to study as they had expected. Nonetheless, as a student, a systematic study plan will help you complete your syllabus within the time left. Let’s discover more about how we can prepare for NEET in just a month.


By this point of time, you will have covered the whole syllabus, especially from NCERT as well as from reference books. If not the whole, try to cover atleast a significant part of the NEET syllabus. Instead of starting from the beginning, you should focus on what you have done till date and revise that. Because being at the point where you have only one month left to appear for the exam, you cannot take the risk of studying in detail. It would be a huge mistake to start something new at this point of time. You must obligate your remaining one month to mock tests for practice and side by side revision of the already studied content.

Let’s have a look at a few steps to ensure a good result:-



A proper timetable has to be made and followed for a month, up till the day of the exam. Your study plan should be based upon your preparation strategy. It will not take more than a few minutes to make the schedule because you are the only person who knows yourself the best. Everything that you will efficiently be able to cover within a month should be included. Once you are done, paste it in front of your study table or a place where it catches your eye frequently and is clearly visible to you. Try to wake up early in the morning because it keeps your mind fresh and helps you to focus better on your studies.



The very first thing you need to master is time management. You must dedicate enough time to revision. According to your timetable, spend the scheduled time for each subject or topic. You must not spend unnecessarily long periods of time on easy topics but work hard on the tough ones that can help you score well. The next step is to calculate the number of hours that will be required to revise all three subjects. On an average basis, you are going to spend approximately six to seven hours on revision. Lastly, avoid eliminating but try to decrease the time that you spend taking breaks.



To solve NEET mock test papers will be your next step included in your one-month preparation plan. Try dedicating a minimum of three to four hours to solving mock tests every day. It will boost up your speed as well as confidence. Subject wise tests will also enhance your knowledge on a particular chapter so that you do not have to spend much time on each topic. Make a habit of taking mock tests frequently, as it will improve your question solving skill as well as speed.



Solely solving mock tests will not be enough. Dedicate a small amount of time to look over your weak points and mistakes that can result in losing marks unnecessarily. Moreover, pay precise attention to the questions which you could not attempt or spent too much time on in the mock tests. Practice and master those questions to avoid difficulties during the actual examination.



Do not forget to include a proper 6 to 8 hours of sleep to your schedule. It may sound like wasted time, but for a student, sleep is equally important to their studies. Adequate sleep is essential to stay fresh before and on the day of the exam. Also, proper rest will help you to stay fit and healthy throughout the period of preparation. Sufficient sleep also enhances one’s ability to focus on, memorize and retain the information they are studying.



The most important thing during this phase is to stay focused and disciplined. You might suffer from lack of time just before the exam if you behave carelessly about your timetable and make unproductive improvisations. Furthermore, be surrounded by positive people who give you good advice as well as cheer you up if you happen to think of giving up or do not feel confident about yourself, your preparation or appearing for the exam. Lastly, believe in yourself & your potential and you shall pass with flying colours undoubtedly.


NEET PG counselling  | GKWorks

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