Tuesday, March 2, 2021




Let’s know what is B2B?

B2b or business to business is categorized as one SEO technique or used specifically as a strategy for companies in b2b industry.

Basically, B2B is an exchange of goods and services between two businesses or more.  Also, B2B is different from B2C i.e., Business to Customer and nor the strategy, and neither the criteria of B2C is effective in B2B.

B2B has been categorized as one of the most top challenges for companies these days. To tackle this challenge most companies are using SEO technique but in the recent scenario, the lead generation of B2B are getting being questioned.

Effectiveness of B2B

It is said that the effectiveness of B2B has deteriorated over time. But we disagree, because it is not easy to achieve success in B2B, it is a path full of pits. But also, when you succussed, it defiantly entails challenges, conflicts, and obstacles.

To get success in B2B marketer needs to understand that, success does not come in one night, it takes time and also it becomes, more effective as time passes by.

It is said that SEO is the most effective way to derive sales and generate leads by continuing content creation and by employing SEO strategies by the time you will ultimately.     1

But there are some criteria for SEO success that marketer should keep in mind-

Content should be of high quality- If do not Want to fail in this business then you need your content to be of high quality. Your content should also be informative and valuable.

Link building- Link building is the process of getting other web pages to link to your website.

Increase your outreach- By SEO Outreach you can increase your backlinks from another website to your website.  Backlinks are considered the strongest factor which affects the website’s rank in the Google search algorithm.


Further in this article we will discuss about some tips by which you can generate high quality B2B leads by using SEO strategy.

1-     Keyword research


·        Keyword research is a very important aspect for any website. And you should consider it as a fundamental aspect of your SEO strategy. You have to understand how keyword could affect your lead generation process.

·        Here are some basic tools you can use to come up with good and effective keywords.

·        What you can do is to list down common words and terms that your customers prefer to describe your product or services.

·        Try to reach to your customer and know their views on your company and product and issues.

·        Discuss it with your employees and staff members.

·        Monitor the discussion forums.

·        Try to search on google with help of it autocomplete feature about your business and product and write down keywords.

·        Try to give a read to related search options, from there you will get an idea about another related search.

Clusters of topics instead of single terms

The working of keywords has changed by the time, now you don’t have to create different content for tantamount keywords, the relation between different keywords is well understood by search engines now.

 Keyword intent and prioritization

The intent and prioritization of keyword is very important in your SEO strategy. What intent specify is whenever anyone search anything on goggle the first two pages of the search result will give you an idea as to the intent of people who have searched the same thing.

It will simply let you know about the intention of people to search this keyword. For example, if someone has searched for anything related to some procedure and step then he is interested to know its whole process and if someone has searched for like books or products for sale then it is for commercial purpose.

Being a digital entrepreneur, you should understand this criterion and apply it to your SEO strategy for better results.

Now coming to keyword prioritization, so after completing your search list of keywords that are relevant to your business. It is very essential to provide ranking to the keywords. And you can do it be determining which keyword you should prioritize in order for you to which keywords should be prioritized in order for you to know how to allocate your resources properly.

2-    Content creation

Being different and exclusive from your competitor is a key element for the business. In this context, you have to create different, exclusive, and high-quality content. Your content should represent you apart from your respective competitor and must be different for them to rewrite or duplicate.

Tips to write high quality content-

o   Interview experts from time to time and create it as a content piece for website, for example, if you write about digital marketing then interview digital marketer.

o   At the time of writing about some specific issue or topic, jot down the opinion of respected industry player and quote it.

o   Try to give relevant and updated information. What people like is “trending” , so it should contain everything in updated form so that when anyone visit your site they are sure about information is accurate.

o   Do give a strong check to spelling and grammatical errors before posting anything to your website.


3-    Promote it

The work is not done here. You know the most effective keyword and have good content on your website but still, you will not be able to gain an audience if you will not promote it. You need to promote your work and website as a whole, links are considered as the most crucial factor that affects a website’s ranking in google. What you should do is to build a link from another website to your web pages.


4-    Upgrade your content

After achieving good traffic on site what you have to do is turn these visitors into leads. Among those visitors not all will be ready to become your customer, then your goal should be to collect their email addresses with you so that you can build relationships with them.  You can do it by offering them upgraded content in form of downloadable checklists, whitepapers, or specifications. Getting their emails should be your ultimate goal, what you can do with their emails is you can send them informative and helpful emails before pitching a sale and can use it as chatbots and analytics to identify consistent readers and convert them into leads. 


 Here we are completing the article, we hope it will be helpful for you.



















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